Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Online information debate

Hi friend,
Today I am and my friend Siti Ummi datussaadah are in dialogue about "Online information debate" that at first there was a student who was frantically looking for a good recommendation for doing of the task. and her friend "siti" provide solutions to the problems experienced by the student that was. and she is also asked about the regulatory tasks assigned every lecturer while working on assignment. sorry if there are too many errors in the vidio, especially errors in speech.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

PITATO BAHASA INGGRIS SINGKAT "Meningkatkan pendidikan karakter pada Anak di sekolah"

Good Moning Everyone,
The honorable, ms. Dini Haiti Zulfany and All my dearest friends.
Standing over here and in this good occasion, I would like to give a short speech about "Improving the character education of children in schools"
Ladie and gantlement...
We know that, education character is essential to building a child's moral. and should the school teach it??
Yes, of course!!
For a Variety of moral issues in society increases ranging from greed, dishonesty, to violence,
bahavior, self-descructive behavior such as drug abuse and suicide. so how do we prevent such things for the nation?
certainly with incuicate awareness of education character through school, the family and in society.
Ladies and gantlement...
To find out how to improve children's caracter education in school, we must frst know what is character education.
a. Meaning of education character
    character is an important aspec for the future of human success. strong character will from the mental strenght. while a strong mental spirit gave birth to a strong, unyielding and other. individuals who have good character is an individual who can make decisions and ready responsible the risk for each result of the decision he has made,

b. Prevention of child character is not good (bad)
    not easy for us to educate children to be good. each child has a variety of behavior pattnerns. so what can we do prevent bad character in the boy always inculcate awareness through school, families, and ever cammunities.
c. Improving education character in children
    to enhance the education character of children, there are some things that must be implemented are :
  • to help students get to know each other.
  • clean the bastions of sosial
  • build a community with student upscale
  • teach students to respect, support, and care for each other.
  • embracing student dessidents.
That is all speech that i can delivered. it can be decuded that character education is very important is teaching. especially an children in school. and teacher are the first to affect the character development of children in school.
and to increase it, are many thing that must be implemented.
Thanks for your attention and good morning :)

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

My top recommendations for things to do in my town is....

So a lot of beautiful sights in the world, and its specialty in "Sambas" the land of my birth. I was born in Sambas 17 years ago and I also really know the ins and outs of the beautiful sights there. 
I would recommend the Kingdom contained in Sambas. namely Karaton Sambas. kerajaain that there ditepian Muara Ulakan intersection of three pertemuanSungai Sambas small, River Subah, River Red, now at the Village In The Sub Sambas since the first telahberdiri Palace Sambas Sultanate (1632) founded by Raden Bima title Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin, Sultan of Sambas 2nd. On the river bank, there is a ladder bridge commonly referred to seteher, a cache of canoes or boats and vessels in the river Sambas. nah, it is a job that is in Sambas, now we are talking about food TYPICAL from Sambas city itself, Yamm !! namely "Bubur Pedas".

Bubur Pedas is a typical food of the Malay Sambas in West Kalimantan, although almost every area in West Kalimantan are familiar with and able to make a full meal of these nutrients.
Besides in Sambas, spicy porridge is also well known in Singkawang, Bengkayang, Mempawah, and Pontianak. It turns out this spicy porridge there is also in the neighbor country, namely Sarawak, Malaysia.
Spicy porridge made from finely ground rice dioseng and rich in spices and vegetables, do not be surprised if this is rated a nutritious porridge. Vegetables such as kale, ferns, leaves kesum be a healthy mix. Not to mention the alloy plus fried peanuts fried dried anchovies add flavor.
waaahh so hungry .. hehe

besides in Sambas also have attractions, even very many, such as: black soil shore, beach Temajok, sebedang lake, waterfall merasap, Mariya Caves, and much more. surrounded by sights are very much beautiful as if never bored for a visit.

okay maybe that's all I can from where I Recommend. Do not forget to pay a visit to Sambas. hehe
thank'you :)

Senin, 05 Desember 2016

if this is my last day on earth, I'll Eat *****

All living things will die, whether plants, animals and human. we live in this world is only temporary, lasting keidupan is in the Hereafter later. so Death can come at any time and anywhere.
if I died later may be a sign that God misses me. and he wanted me with him in a long time. but very touching if it really happened. hehe
many errors that I do in this world, either intentional want any unintentional. ~

when talking about food, who certainly loved the food, as well as me. I highly Hobby meal, any meal I like, especially the halal. My favorite food is rice, grilled chicken, meatballs, Sate, and the entire Indonesian Culinary I like to eat. but the question is, when do I get fat ?? hehe

if this is my last Seconds live in this world, I want to eat "Chicken Satay" with a portion of Jumbo, why ?? because honestly, for approximately 6 months in this pontianak I've never Buying satay, let alone Eat. nah so like it, very simple and easy to find everywhere and that is certainly a price that is not too expensive, so it was the food I wanted to eat if it is my last day in the world.

A latter to Past and Future Me ~~~

veryone must have the desire, yes it certainly !! but wish it often fails to be achieved, but some can be achieved thanks to the hard work of our own.
often we think, we live in this world is temporary and what we do in this world is already set by Allah SWT. so what are we looking for something tire-burnout thing that struck us was planned god to get. it is the mind that one for me.
you know, life as it would be in vain.
targets in our life is to seek Our identity is true, look for what has been lost and what we have not discovered (known) and therefore this is where I write down everything what used to be once Wrong in my mind and I want In future.

Dear me in the past~
You have to get up again. it is a word that is always present in the mind of this. attitude of fear of failure, whiny, easy to despair, indifference, and others is in my nature to the first. and it makes me Failed to get what I want.
hopefully it will never happen again. it is the nature of the worst I have had.

Hallo the future me, 10 years from now I want so what ??
I learned a lot from the past, the past is the best teacher. of my past learning to appreciate other people, disciplined, strong and brave. I gradually changing what is wrong with me. although I am a weak woman, but I want 10 years from now I can be a commanding leader , minimal become principals or so from professional education. hehe
Aminn ......

Well that is my wish for the 10 years to come, may come true :)

Senin, 21 November 2016

My Favorite Song when i'll karaoke, AND WHY i am choice it's....

Hallo Ladies and Gantlement, How are you today??  i hope all my friend is fine and always fine. :) :) Are you know , what is the song where i  choose when will be karaoke ? and why i choose that song ? haa.. Here i'll tell you about my favorite song when karaoke and the reason its.Talk about song , i really like the song , because i always listening the music. but,  Not much song that i will.  :( why?? becouse I just like to listen not to memorize that song. Of a thousand probably just five song which i memorized fully.I love song that is mellow , not too fast and not too slow but overwhelm. hehe :)Especially the song of groub bend anji and geisya. I have always loved bend that. So i would have preferred to sing a song they than others. Although i also liked  dangdut's song.  Although i never karaoke, but then when i karaoke that i would choose the anji titled  'dia'.

 This is the lyrics :
di suatu hari tanpa sengaja kita bertemu
aku yang pernah terluka, kembali mengenal cinta

hati ini kembali temukan senyum yang hilang
semua itu karena dia

oh tuhan ku cinta dia
ku sayang dia, rindu dia
inginkan dia
utuhkanlah rasa cinta di hatiku
hanya padanya, untuk dia

jauh waktu berjalan kita lalui bersama
betapa di setiap hari, ku jatuh cinta padanya
dicintai oleh dia ku merasa sempurna
semua itu karena dia

oh tuhan ku cinta dia
ku sayang dia, rindu dia
inginkan dia
utuhkanlah rasa cinta di hatiku
hanya padanya, untuk dia

oh tuhan ku cinta dia
ku sayang dia, rindu dia
inginkan dia
utuhkanlah rasa cinta di hatiku
hanya padanya, untuk dia
hanya padanya, untuk dia

I love that song and choose when karaoke maybe because that song touch with my circumstances that moment. hehe
#Kidding :D  Not, it's becouse my Favorite Song  :)

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016


Bahasa mandarin adalah bahasa yang menurut saya itu Unik dan Rumit untuk dipelajari. terutama dalam penulisan nya, kalau kita tidak tau Arti dari goresan-goresan itu mungkin sulit sekali untuk kita untuk paham.
Bahasa mandarin adalah bahasa yang berasal dari negara Tiongkok, di tiongkok terdapat 56 suku, yaitu salah satu nya mayoritas suku "HAN YU" atau dalam bahasa indonesia artinya adalah "Bahasa Mandarin". Tulisan bahasa mandarin dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu :

  1. Tulisan Tradisional, ciri-cirinya :Lebih rumit, dan goresannya lebih banyak. negara yang masih menggunakan tulisan Tradisional yaitu negara Hongkong, Taiwwan, dan Macao
  2. Tulisan Moderen, ciri-cirinya : Lebih mudah, goresan lebih sedikit dan mudah dimengerti. negara yang dudah menggunakan tulisan moderen adalah selain dari yang disebutkan pada tulisan tradisional.
mungkin disini saya akan mengajarkan kepada anda mengenai Dasar-dasar nya saja, untuk Penulisan bahasa mandarinnya mungkin tidak, karna akan sulit untuk dipahami.
Bahasa mandarin terdiri dari 3 aspek yaitu :

  • Konsonan (21 Huruf)
Cara pelafalan (klik huruf konsonan untuk mendengar rekaman)
Suara bibir (labial). Lafalkan seperti konsonan p dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara bibir (labial) aspirasi. Lafalkan seperti konsonan ph dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara bibir (labial). Lafalkan seperti konsonan m dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara bibir (labial). Lafalkan seperti konsonan f dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara ujung Lidah (apical). Lafalkan seperti konsonan t dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara ujung Lidah (apical) aspirasi. Lafalkan seperti konsonan th dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara ujung Lidah (apical). Lafalkan seperti konsonan n dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara ujung Lidah (apical). Lafalkan seperti konsonan l dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara pangkal lidah (velar). Pangkal lidah menyentuh langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan k dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara pangkal lidah (velar) aspirasi. Pangkal lidah menyentuh langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan kh dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara pangkal lidah (velar). Pangkal lidah menyentuh langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan h dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara badan lidah (dorsal). Lafalkan seperti konsonan c dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara badan lidah (dorsal) aspirasi. Lafalkan seperti konsonan ch dalam bahasa Indonesia
Suara badan lidah (dorsal). Lafalkan mirip konsonan s, dalam bahasa Indonesia, namun dilafalkan dengan badan lidah bukan dengan ujung lidah.
Suara lidah ditekuk ke langit-langit mulut (palatal). Setelah lidah di tekuk ke langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan z
Suara lidah ditekuk ke langit-langit mulut (palatal)aspirasi. Setelah lidah di tekuk ke langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan ch
Suara lidah ditekuk ke langit-langit mulut (palatal)aspirasi. Setelah lidah di tekuk ke langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan s
Suara lidah ditekuk ke langit-langit mulut (palatal)aspirasi. Setelah lidah di tekuk ke langit-langit mulut, lafalkan konsonan r
Suara lidah pada gigi depan bagian dalam (dental). Ujung lidah menuju gigi atas bagian dalam, lalu lafalkan konsonan z
Suara lidah pada gigi depan bagian dalam (dental). Ujung lidah menuju gigi atas bagian dalam, lalu lafalkan konsonan c
Suara lidah pada gigi depan bagian dalam (dental). Ujung lidah menuju gigi atas bagian dalam, lalu lafalkan konsonan s
  • Vokal (6 Huruf)
dilafalkan a, seperti dalam kata “aku”
dilafalkan i, seperti dalam kata “ibu”
dilafalkan u, seperti dalam kata “udara”
dilafalkan e, seperti dalam kata “entah”, dan dapat dilafalkan seperti e dalam kata “enak”
dilafalkan o, seperti dalam kata “orang”
terlebih dahulu lafalkan vokal i, kemudian rubah posisi mulut menjadi vokal u. 

  • Nada

Nada satu adalah nada yang tinggi dan datar. Suara anda tetap datar, tanpa ada peningkatan atau penurunan dalam alur pengucapannya. Contohnya adalah kata "ma", nada satu ditunjukkan dari simbol di atas huruf a: "mā".
Nada dua adalah nada yang meningkat. Suara Anda naik dari nada bawah ke tengah, seperti ketika Anda saat mengatakan "hah?" atau "apa?" Nada kedua ini ditunjukkan dengan simbol "má".
Nada ketiga adalah nada yang melengkung dari atas, bawah, lalu ke atas lagi. Nada bergerak dari tengah ke bawah lalu ke atas. Ketika dua suku kata nada ketiga berdekatan satu sama lain, yang pertama tetap menggunakan nada tiga sedangkan yang terakhir menjadi nada keempat. Nada ketiga ditunjukkan dengan simbol "mǎ".
Nada keempat adalah nada yang menurun. Nada turun dari tinggi ke rendah, seperti ketika Anda berkata sebuah perintah seperti “Berhenti!” atau jika Anda sedang membaca buku dan menemukan sesuatu yang menarik dan berkata "huh". Nada keempat ini ditunjukkan dengan simbol "mà"

Nomor :
NomorHuruf MandarinPinyin

Untuk Kosakatanya, Tunggu Postingan saya yang akan datang Yaaaaa...
terus Berlangganan :)
Terimakasih :)
(Sary sekar wangi)