Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

If i were choose , i like Smartphone Apps is***

A lot of application that is in a smartphone , among them were application twetter , facebook , intagram , the camera , game , message , phone , google , music and etc. But , of the many existing application ,Besides message, i am more fond of facebook applications and music . Why ? becouse, These applications is entertainment for me . If i am bored , this has stayed with me and always comfort . As if the application of that i make as my best friend. really!!

If i am lonely , music always make a beautiful songs. And if i sad facebook are always ready to accommodate torrent of hearts.  Why i accommodate torrent of my heart on facebook ? becouse, we are know that, People don't always keep a secret well, not that i were never believed with others. But i was type a person who cannot trust a carelessly, Except the person long have i know and i know the nature of her. nd from facebook is i got right many friends and information. starting from a set of information, organizations, friends, and the price of an item, etc.That is glimpse of the application of smartphone the most i love. Sorry if writing english i have not right .
thank you :)

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